
Wednesday, 21 January 2009



Yep, the s there is intentional. I’ve decided to jump a few very casual, simple outfits to get things going. *coughs* Keeping already taken pictures for a week (or two already?!?) on the hard drive isn’t exactly going…So here you see the last two of September that survived…Yay them! You know I’m clever as a rubbish bin…I made the top pic before I decided to make a double post, so nothing’s there from the second outfit.

I wasn’t too excited about the first two generations of Aden‘s skins, but there’s something about the third generation which I (obviously) like, although it makes me look like 14 years old (and I’m actually 13 no wait!…53…no….). I used it for both outfits.

Fishy Strawberry bombards you with colours. Of course that makes me loose my L$ quite quickly. I bet there’s no need to mention that the minihood is available in a bunch of (tadah!) colours. Since I always try to look sophisticated and in-style (Yes, you may have just heard the echo of my coughing fit) I kept it quiet with black skinny pants from Armidi and wonderfully matching pumps from Juicy, which btw were a welcoming present if you will at the beginning of iheartsl.com. Yay! They’re actually slingbacks…just so that you know 😉

For some of my beloved three readers the second outfit might be more pleasing to the eye, but still a bit nuts…I hope (!).
The (very) short coat/cape from TOSL is even sold in COLOURS and I’m wearing black…must have been my black day. *hrhr* But believe me, it’s warm! That’s why I’m wearing shorts from Twosome (autumn shorts they’re called, so it’s OK). To keep my decency I covered up most naked flesh with cute tights from Veschi and primy socks from Maitreya, cleverly combined on knicker- and socks-layer….which means, I’m basically wearing no underwear…Yep, that’s important information right now! *nods*

Something else…I’m seriously considering to publish smaller pictures. The size right now looks good on my resolution when your on my blog directly, but not so good on the pages of some feeds I’m on. Any thoughts? How do you read this right now anyway? Is this someone reading? Am I using my brain too much today? What is a brain?…Oh dear…

For friends of glory and details and general boredom, please enjoy the magic link behind the pic. Thanks.

Edit: So sorry! I forgot to mention the legwarmers from Ce Cubic effect (left outfit). Honeysuckle Hotaling was so nice to ask me in-world and I blahed about the Maitreya-socks…till a few minutes ago, when I saw my own post in some of the feeds. SORRY! *runs off*



hoodie: minihood pink from Fishy Strawberry

shirt: Beeotch tee from Fishy Strawberry

pants: Kogo Skinny Pants [Charcoal] from Armidi

legwarmers: Leg warmer(Black) from Ce Cubic effect

shoes: Slingback Pump – Strawberry – from Juicy

hair: Dread hair from BP*

eyes: ZEROeyes-BLUE from Minnu Model Skins

skin: Gen. 3 -Light- Countess from Aden

pose: Julliette Westerburg’s dong is this big from PUDGE

ARC: 775

date: 14/09/08


jacket: *Madeleine* Cape v1.4 B&W Tweed from Tree & Ocean SL

pants: Autumn Shorts Grey from Twosome

tights: Tintable Tights Vertical Dots from Veschi

socks: Prim Socks Grey from Maitreya

shoes: Marie Shoe Black from TESLA

hair: Rawr! – Black – Flexi Hair from Detour

eyes: Icey Eyes – Blue from Detour

skin: Gen. 3 -Light- Countess from Aden

pose: I didn’t write that down! Sorry! (-.-);

ARC: 1473

date: 26/09/08

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

The Punk Princess and The Peacock


Sorry no princess, no peacocks! Ever wondered about the word peacock?…Okaaaaay….

Usually I like to combine different designers for one outfit, but I liked this dress so much, that I even took the matching shoes. Both are from TOSL (Tree of SL äh… Tree & Ocean SL). The dress is available in four colours (ther others would be Royal Rose (orangy), Sugarplum (plumy) and Moonstone (silvery)). The belt-part of the three prim-attachments comes in three sizes and the skirt in a scripted version (for proper sitting) as well. With the sub-layers (No onions, please!) this dress looks absolutely gorgeous…way better than on pictures. The only downside (I don’t care about): You cannot wear necklaces like you’d normally do. You’d have to take the belt-part off (which someone did on one blog some weeks ago…bookmark? What’s that?) or look for alternative attachment points and bend your necklace around your neck (chest, spine and pelvis are taken).

The tights were a mispurchase (colour didn’t match as I was dreaming about it) some time ago. They’re from *Sheer*, which is my favourite tights-store in SL…not that there are many of them…

Skin and hair are both from BP*. The skin is offering a rather nude, fresh look (I’m wearing chaotic lashes with it here), but has some lashes and eyshadow painted on already.

Oh, the pose I used for the pic below *points* is called Zombie Love and is from LAP (Long Awkward Pose). I believe it was a Halloween-freebie. All of them looked fab with this dress…well, to my taste it did. *hehe*


dress: *Punk Princess* Party Dress Peacock from Tree & Ocean SL

tights: Nylons Dark Violet from *Sheer*

shoes: *Punk Princess* Heels v1.2 Peacock from Tree & Ocean SL

hair: summer chignon from BP*

eyes: Icey Eyes – Hazel from Detour

skin: AUG skin 1/pastel from BP*

pose: Zombie Love 3 from Long Awkward Pose [LAP]

ARC: 2582

date: 12/08/08

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Fruit Salad

Sorry if this outfit is a pain in the eye or worse, but I love colours!

I keep lists of keywords, places, names, blahs which I have to investigate later. Appearance Mode was one of them and upon arrival I was blessed with a nice shopping attack. Yay!

First I fell into the puking bird T-shirt from H&V (heartattack and vine). I’ve had seen it around the blogs but didn’t go out to buy it.
Wow! A proper hunch and a search for “puke” on Who let the dorks out? gave me the right post…Please enjoy! 😉 (The puking birds are on the right, click the pic for a better view)

The shorts are from Karamia and come in different classic denim colours and each with black or white buttons. It’s all good is right next to Karamia. You can find lots of colourful stuff there, I really had to behave and only got the rainbow coloured leggings, each colour wearable with or with out the laces on the lower leg.

The yummy fruit salad on the skin and the glowy cheeks are group presents from BP*. The shoes are (as usual *harhar*) from Periquita and the hair (quite as usual as well) from COIF, tinted by myself to a barking mutant carrot red (yeah…okay…).

The bird’s from HappyMood, of course and I’m rather sure it had eaten very well and feels inspired by my shirt!

shirt: birdpuke tshirt from H&V

pants: Sailor Denim Shorts Light Wash (white buttons) from Karamia

leggings: Polka Dot Leggings (Orange) (Lace) from It’s All Good

shoes: Candy Hearts Green from Periquita

hair: Dorothy – Tintable from COIF

eyes: Icey Eyes – green from Detour

skin: Pale SkinGloss(Freckles)-Morning from Minnu Model Skins (not available anymore)

pose: *fresh poses* 130 from AnaLu

ARC: 142

date: 27/06/08

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Monday, 6 October 2008

How many circles?

Why is it so hard for me to find a title for a post? Annoying!

I put this outfit together while cleaning up my New stuff folder, which was very packed around that time. So everything was bought more or less blindly or already was lurking in my inventory (like skin, hair, shoes)…you know those shopping attacks when you’re in one store or mall or whatever and Oh, that’s nice!, Oh, that would look nice with denims/a skirt/nothing!, and Oh, I saw that on X’s blog the other day! is always followed by a right-click->buy->*wait*->buy (or how ever you buy)?

The top from Dutch Touch I love for its beautiful texture with shadows and crinkles. The pants are also from Dutch Touch, have a lovely greenish touch. The leg prims are amazingly in the right colour/shading, which seems to be a common problem with other pants (I own)…so they’re hardly noticeable. Yay!

Thanks to the ribbon and the ringlike buckle on the side (cleverly not visible on the pic >.<) the hair from BP* goes pretty well with the thingy of the top.

With the skin from Detour and my favourite flats (sorry, yet again) from Periquita I added a touch of pink…otherwise it looked too dark and dull to me.

top: LongTop Print Blue from DUTCH TOUCH

pants: Low Waist Jeans Dark Colored pockets from DUTCH TOUCH

shoes: Funny Girl Flats Pink from Periquita

hair: hippie girl hair 1 blue denim from BP*

eyes: Icey Eyes – Blue from Detour

skin: Irina 4 from Detour

pose: Tadaa from Twosome

ARC: 5052 (What?!)

date: 25/06/08

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Old Hats

Sorry no hats today…and a special sorry for Mira!
I am so lazy when it comes to blogging! (no news there, eh?) I do enjoy the picture taking, I certainly enjoy the shopping! But when it comes to the writing part…*coughs*…*coughs again* So I told myself: No shopping for you till you post 5 outfits, Missy! Let’s see how that’s working out…I already bought some jewellery, but that was different! *coughs and nods*

I bought the dress during the Aoharu sale. The sale where I grabbed ridiculous amounts of clothes. When I saw the colour, I instantly (must been my bright moment of the day) thought of my dark skins and (bright moment was gone) of the Gladiator boots from Stiletto Moody, which even I managed to resist till then (that’s the good thing about high prices).

The dress comes with two prim attachments, the upper one consists of the neck-bow and the two upper layers of the dress. So the bow can’t be removed. When you take a close look at the pictures on display in the store, you’ll notice the boobs are poking through the garment. You can easily avoid that by reducing your avatar to someone flat-chested, obviously your shape must be modifiable.

dress: FlowerLayeredDress_Ivory from AOHARU

shoes: Gladiator Boot (Tan-Brown) from Stiletto Moody (wearable without the bootleg!)

bangle: Sprinkles Bracelet – Gold – from ::69::

hair: hippie girl hair 1 brown denim from BP*

eyes: Delta Eyes – Brown from Detour

skin: MMSUmber-makeup7 from Minnu Model Skins (not available anymore, but the skintones are great!)

pose: *fresh poses* 358 from AnaLu (great pose to show off hair and bangle!)

ARC: 7277 (luckily this has nothing to do with lag ;-))

date: 11/06/08

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Stars and Spikes

I am soooo lazy that I heavily annoy myself a lot lately. My brain’s not functioning as it should and I bore myself with English thoughts, so I just decided to write in German. Not many are reading the text anyway…I think. *hrhr*

So…das erste Mal, dass ich in diesem Blog etwas auf Deutsch schreibe. Na, viel Spaß!

Manchmal finde ich dann doch noch Zeit, mal nur so über mir altbekannte Sims zu wandern. Die Sim-Gruppe um ETD, Canimal, Calestial Studios und LastCall Jaywalk erinnert mich immer noch an meine ersten Tage in SL, vorallem an die Tage an denen ein Wow! Es gibt auch coole/gute Sachen hier! im Kopp schwirrte. Dorthin hat es mich also mal wieder verschlagen (im Mai…ich bin ja so verdammt schnell im Bloggen).
Bei Calestial Studios hatte ich in letzter Zeit gerne mal bei den Wimpern zugeschlagen (ja, ich habe etwas länger gebraucht einzusehen, dass man/der Avatar doch besser aussehen kann damit). Plötzlich kam die Erinnerung, es gäbe da auch Klamotten und so hab ich unter den “neuen Sachen” diese fluffige Sternenkaputzenjacke gefunden. Die fiese Anwesenheit einer Fatpack-Option hat mich natürlich wieder mal gereizt. Die Jacke ist in sechs Farben erhältlich, drei davon mit Sternenmuster, drei mit Kreismuster.

Zuhause habe ich dann erstmal alle Farben ausprobiert und mit diversen angehäuften Demos rumgespielt. Yay! Einen Grund für eine neue Skin und neue Haare gefunden! (Ich rede mir dann gerne ein, ich bräuchte etwas und dies und jenes würden ja etwas rechtfertigen)

Die Skin (ja, ich sage “die” skin, weil es “die” Haut heißt…ebenso wie die Shape *blah*) ist von Tuli und nur in Dogtown erhältlich (für SLurl s.u.). Sie kommt in Päckchen mit verschiedenen Augenbrauenfarbtonoptionen (Yay! tolles Wort!) und zwei make-up Versionen. Einmal die angeschredderte Version die ich auf dem Bild trage und dann noch eine etwas unverwundete, verheultere…Zwei blasse Hauttöne stehen zur Auswahl.

Deviant Kitties dürfte ja bekannt dafür sein, dass man sich dort evtl. nicht unbedingt mit schwiegermutterfreundlichen Haaren eindecken kann (es sei denn es handelt sich bei besagter Dame um eine Puffmutti, Domina, Punk,…). Diese Frisur hat bunte Haarspangen in den vorderen Partien und punkig zackige Haare am Hinterkopf. Die Sekundärfarbe kann per Menü geändert werden, muss also nicht zweifarbig getragen werden. Wenn einem die Spangen zu bunt sind, kann man diese auch farblich ändern, allerdings über das normale edit-Menü.

Der Rest des Outfits fanden sich in meinem kleinen Inventar…natürlich wieder meine Lieblingsflats von Periquita und meine Lieblingsschmuddelbüx von Armidi.

Ich vermute das Tutu von Canimal in lila habe ich extra dafür erworben, aber da ich es schon in grau vorher hatte, zählt das ja nicht so ganz…öhm…*hust*

Close-up vom Gesicht gibt’s bei Klick auf das Bild! 🙂

Folgendes dann doch wohl lieber wieder auf Englisch, falls es jemanden interessieren sollte aufgrund des Bildes, welches sicherlich besser ist als mein Gelaber. 😉

jacket: Print Hoodie – Black Stars from Celestial Studios

skirt: FooFoo TuTu (Purple) from Canimal

pants: (F/Capri) A001 Jeans [Regular Industrial] from Armidi

shoes: Funny Girl Flats Purple from Periquita

hair: Trinitee – Gum from Deviant Kitties Designs

eyes: Icey Eyes – blue from Detour

skin: Nikki [pale/4] ~ gash (freckled) from Tuli

pose: Sweet from Twosome

ARC: 2402

date: 29/05/08 (last one from May! Yay!)

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Friday, 1 August 2008

Blahing in Circles

Sorry, I’m awfully slow lately when it comes to actually bloging an outfit, even if the picture is waiting for days. *sighs*

This is one of my favourites and it still manages to cheer me up when I change into it (not today though).
It’s the result of a C’mon! There must be something to wear in here!-inventory moments. I had bought a lot of stuff here and there but haven’t put it in proper outfits.

The cute shirt is one of my favourites from Twosome. The design is absolutely unique with its circles around the neck and two circles escaping to your pants/skirt/whatever it is you’re wearing down there.
The shorts from AOHARU are one of the fruits of a hysteric sale-shopping-attack. They come in an amazing amount of colours. The prims for your legs aren’t the easiest to fit hought . You can squeeze and stretch them, but you get them delivered in plain rings, so they won’t match your legs at all from the start (or I have strange legs). I spent a lot of time until I was satisfied to a satisfactory level (aha?), they still don’t fit 100%. So if you hate to fix things to your avatar as much as me, try to avoid them. The shorts are not wearable without them. BUT the colours are great, the textures are pleasing to look at.
Those funnily shaped prims actually brought me to the circle-theme, which forced me to wear this roundly hair from COIF to which I added just a little more cuteness from Hasendow. Aaawww!

For more pix please click picture! 🙂

shirt: Matisia Retro Top from Twosome

shorts: ShortBottom_Orange from AOHARU

shoes: Funny Girl Flats Brown from Periquita

bangle: Gem Jelly Donut Bangle – Cooper from Fresh Baked Goods

flowery thingy: Flower crown from Hasendow (20L$ for crown and necklace!)

hair: Artemis – Copper from COIF

eyes: Icey Eyes – brown from Detour

skin: Eve from Gigi Couture

pose: *fresh poses* 289 from AnaLu

ARC: 217

date: 23/05/08

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Monday, 28 July 2008

Who need’s the sun?

I threw this together on a fine blog/grid-explorer-day. YAY!

First I saw some blog entry about anuenue and got me the top, which is actually a dress, but can be worn as a top alone thanks to the prim-attachments in the pack. It’s available in blue and green as well.
I liked the hippie denims from KUROTSUBAKI for some time and the folklore-touch of the top yelled at me: Get those pants! To be honest, I hate it when the yell at you…
MAU’s & MEJ’s is known (I hope) for their creative not so much next-girl/boy-look. I already loved the afro a lot. The style I am wearing has some asian-style patterns added in form of ribbons/clips.

For a few more pics, please click picture! 🙂

top: Pikake-Shirt Orange from anuenue

pants: hippie jeans from KUROTSUBAKI

shoes: Candy Hearts Peach from Periquita

key-chain: star chain from VOGART

hair: Noriko blond nak blue from MAU’s & MEJ’s

eyes: Icey Eyes – blue from Detour

skin: PaleDIVA-Makeup7 from Minnu Model Skins

pose: *fresh poses* 344 from AnaLu

ARC: 1985

date: 19/05/08

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Blackney & Lacy

This outfit is based on two recommendations from a friend, Peter Stindberg (the one with the sofas ;-)).

One TP to +*susie*+ forced me to buy the lacy skirt and the matching arm warmers/protectors. The top lace-layer is non-flexi, so the skirt stays a bit in shape…the other lacy layers are separate from the chequered ones, so it has a nice flowy look to it. The belt is part of the skirt. The arm thingies have lacy bits as well, so it’s a fab match. For more detailed pixies, please check my flickr.

I’ve been to Vette’s Boutique before, she was taking part in the Easter Egg Hunt as well, but funnily I’ve never bought something. Well, obviously I did by now…The black cardigan and the scarf. The scarf is build from a normal prim-attachment to your spine and one top clothes layer. All three layers are included in the box, so you can decide where to wear your scarf. I’ve chosen the shirt-layer, so it’s under the cardigan. The scarfs come in different colours, the cardigan doesn’t *sniffs*.

I decided to add some pinkish bikini-top to give the overall look at least a pinch of colour.

The hair from Hiccup was a present/freebie, I don’t know if it’s still available as such. The colour of the cap can easily be altered via the edit-menu. Yay!

cardigan: chunky_cardy_(black) from Vette’s Boutique

bikini-top: AmoGurl Pink from KD Desings Kiana Dulce

skirt: Rock check skirt[Mono-check] from Susie

boots: AM Boots from Zero Number

scarf: shemagh_scarf_(b&w) from Vette’s Boutique

arm-thingies: Arm Warmer[spike] from Susie

gloves: GlovesBLACK from Cachet

hair: Electric Feel – Black from Hiccup

eyes: Icey Eyes – Grey from Detour

skin: Detour – Irina 3 from Detour

pose: Fit in them jeans from PUDGE

ARC: 1254

date: 18/05/08

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Friday, 18 July 2008

Nutty in Felt

On Flickr I stumpled across the image of one of those lovely felt dresses from Swallowtail (you’ll find mainly jewellery there). As I’m more on the slow side, I can’t remember which pic it was and of course not from whom. (I did a 20Min search through my blahy comments, but couldn’t find it.)

Those dresses look very simple (duh!) but the same time they’re very well made. The edges around the collar are rather sharp(ish) and the prims fit very well. The skirt is made out of two simple prims, you still should use a skirt-shape (no bum, no saddle) so nothing’s poking out. The shading around the boat neckline gives a bit less boxy look. (I really don’t know why I only have this one dress…*shrugs*)
The pink on the very right has in fact just one pink tone, somehow the things behind it shine through…Sorry for that -.-
For the dress that I’m wearing, you can remove/thin the horizontal white line by moving the skirt-attachment up and down. The pants are mod, so you could (if you want) have tights/leggings in matching colours; the prim-skirt is mod, all other parts are no mod.

When I bought this dress, I was actually planning on a normal outfit…nothing crazy, nutty, stupid this time. Just some sleek, clean 60s look. I bet the socks and shoes (from Corduroy and Periquita (see! You NEED them!)) were fine…but then I went sim-tping-crazy looking for hair. I can’t remember what happened…somehow I ended up with that Scary Spice-Do from Aden! No wonder I look so stiff…you have to be careful there, noone wants a cracked neck (maybe your Ex or your neighbour though…hmm). At that point I gave up and got me that cute primbomb from LittleGirl. Whenever you give up on looking normal, you’ll find funny dolls (tea-/coffee-/greentea-dolls) and other furry friends there. The thing is jumping up and down, moves its eyes and blahs something when you click on it. It took me around 50,000 tries to get it jump up in front of that non-white dot behind me.

dress: felt dress light blue from Swallowtail

socks: puji’s kneehighs (white) from corduroy

shoes: Funny Girl Flats White from Periquita

hair: Scary Spice from Aden

eyes: Delta Eyes – Brown from Detour

skin: Pale-makeup5-Freckles from Minnu Model Skins

pose: l33t from Hiccup

ARC: 1630

date: 15/05/08

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008


Yay for weird title! Yay for being able to spend precious time in front of that stupid machine! Yay for being lazy as usual when it comes to writing!

I do love Aoharu! I love its vast choices of colours and designs. Even if you’re looking for something more basic, you will find something. So one fine day *blah* amongst other items I got  this dress *points downwards*. There are a few things I dislike…but they’re not significant enough to be not loved by me.
Though I obviously like the design and the colours of that dress, you might see yourself the too visible border between the jacket- and pants-layer. The edge around the neck is quite messy as well, I “had” to do some editing for one of the close-up shots. But apart from that (fuzzy edges seem to be “in”)…
The cute pockets and the skirt are an attachment each…you could wear the pants alone (with our without the pockets attached). Dress comes in three million colours! 😉

I combined the dress with blue and pink items (Oh, really?), blue only for parts of the bangle from Fresh Baked Goods (you can change the colour of the stones and the bangle itself separately! Yay! They come for left and right arm! Yay!) and for the eyes.

The skin from Minajunk gives your avatar a very special look (like the chocolate skin did), which might look funny on some shapes and might be hard to alter if you don’t like the look (hope, someone gets what I mean here).

Please include a fatpack of the Funny Girl Flats from Periquita in your inventory. They look fab and I really want those in RL (fatpack with loads of candy colours of course)!

I am very sorry, the earrings are missing the nobs on them…please refer to the close-ups (must be SL’s fault….*mbls*).

dress: TwinsGirlyDress_Blue from AOHARU

tights: polkadots socks rose from Twosome

shoes: Funny Girl Flats Pink from Periquita

earrings: Glam earring (pink) M from CREAMSHOP

bangle: Gem Jelly Donut Bangle – Cooper from Fresh Baked Goods

hair: anna mori /honey from BP*

eyes: Delta Eyes – Blue from Detour

skin: skin wimpy 01 from Minajunk

pose: fmodelpose9 from Dalian Darrow

ARC: 1276

date: 13/05/08

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Monday, 23 June 2008

Lazy (stylish) Sunday!

This outfit started with the cozy just-out-of-bed-pants from *UnToneQuilt*, which might have been worn all night, or since Friday…No one wants to know really. In this store you can find a few of those comfy pants (one denim version) which are ideal to be worn under skirts or just on themselves.

I loved the tutu (which is a huge pile of fun over any pins or pants) and the graffiti corsage (Yay!) from Canimal for some time and that was finally the “OK, you’re allowed to buy them now!” (I’ve set myself that rule, otherwise I’d buy anything without actually having a plan how to wear it…yes, I need a plan *harhar*)…of course the stripey gloves jumped in the bag  unnoticed! Naughty little things!

I was playing with my skins and somehow found one that I’ve never worn before (O.O), and the bright red lips went rather well with the red in the top. So I stayed with red, although a lot of other cardigans were tried on.

I remembered (yep, that happens from time to time) the Party Pumps from Shiny Things, which I had once tried on and Yay! the ruffles match the skirt! Yay again!

Weeks later, when I made the pictures, I was really reminded of one of my cousins, who was actually into ballet and a nutty fan of Flashdance (she’s 41 now and still a bit nuts, must run in the family)…and I remembered (again!) her being dressed up and dancing around the house and singing…and she had that kind of hair. OK, that’s boring…but that gave the pic a more colourful background than I had in mind.

You can see four other pix if you like on my flickr!

top: Corset (Grey) from Canimal

cardigan: Ripped Jacket (red) long from Canimal

skirt: FooFoo TuTu (White) from Canimal

pants: puchidabopan (charcoal) from UnTone Quilt

socks: Knit socks(gray) from *DP*YumYum

shoes: Party pumps from Shiny Things

gloves: small stripes – grey from Canimal

hair: – Wish II – Currant – Flexi Hair from Cake

eyes: Delta Eyes – Brown from Detour

skin: Pale-makeup7-Freckles from Minnu Model Skins

pose: *fresh poses* 289 from AnaLu

ARC: 3009

date: 07/05/08

SL, Second Life, Windlight, Linden and SLurl are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Two of a kind…kind of

I read about Gbberish on one of the fashion blogs, luckily I can’t remember what I saw there, but it made me go to the shop and buy these two lovely knitted dresses. The original blog post was about another item, I think it had to do with the scarves….hmm….

I did the left outfit first and when I was planing to “use” the other dress, I thought it might be interesting to make it almost the same. Same in the sense, that the items are at least from the same designer, preferable the same model.

The dresses are available in various colours and patterns, they come with two pairs of socks as well. The top is on the jacket layer and the glitch pants are on the underpants layer. Very cleverly I notice now, that you can’t actually see the design of the top part of the dress. It has one strap that’s garnished with a nice little prim bow. Check this fun-shot in case you’re really interest! 😉

I looove these shoes from Armidi so much, that I had to bark at myself not to use it with every outfit. They squeeze your little ugly feet in such a nice way and give you great posture and they even are very comfy! They come in a ton of colours with various sole/heel colours as well. While I was shopping for the shoes, I had my usual fight with the camera and landed on those bangles, which are perfect for both dresses! Yay!

COIF makes amazing low-prim hair and still gives you a special look (OK, maybe it is the low-prim that makes the look special…har-har). Some might not like the unnatural style, but the texture is actually very good and the the left one (Disco Goddess) has even some frizzy hair poking out! I think the kaput viewer-graphics-card-relationship (those bitches!) made the hair look to spiky, it’s really nicely cut and styled and very round! There are two stores out there, I’ll add the one where I got both styles, there’s another shop on the Silent sim, try the profile of the owner (Paulie Tamale).


dress: One Love – Knitted Dress (Breeze) from Gbberish (worn with Burgundy socks)

shoes: Viniani Heel – Chocolat from Armidi

bangle: Healing Koi Bangle – Daisy from Armidi

hair: Disco Goddess – Silver from COIF

eyes: Delta Eyes – Brown from Detour

skin: Umber-makeup4-Freckles from Minnu Model Skins

pose: *fresh poses* 283 from AnaLu (mirrowed)

ARC: 966

date: 02/05/08


dress: One Love – Knitted Dress (Honeysuckle) from Gbberish (worn with Green socks)

shoes: Viniani Heel – Chiffon from Armidi

bangle: Healing Koi Bangle – Dandelion from Armidi

hair: Artemis – Copper from COIF

eyes: Delta Eyes – Brown from Detour

skin: not for sale (Another Skin, altered by Tokoro)

pose: *fresh poses* 283 from AnaLu

ARC: 970

date: 06/05/08

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